Someone who has 14 or so speeding tickets is cool. That person is a rebel; someone who seems to be deliciously aloof; all on purpose. A true civil renegade who spurns the law because of some higher knowledge and authority. This person is the archetype aimless drifter who throws off the restraints of society and makes his own path.
I've now received 4 speeding tickets which is just a stupid number of speeding tickets to have. It means that I'm too fast to be lawful and too slow to bash on the establishment. I'm stuck in the speeding ticket middle; a place where it just seems like I can't commit to being on the side of good or evil. Soon the police will call me up and ask me if they can really count on me to uphold the precious pillars of social normalcy or if they should just issue a warrant now.
When you're in the middle of the maverick and the mediocre, you're nobody. Having 4 speeding tickets is the worst when you live in a world that's stuck at the ends of the spectrum. You're either all in or all out. You should know that you're now on the scale.
On the scale it's better to be a quitter than a trier and a failer. It's best to be a succeeder but if you can't then definitely be a quitter. Being a quitter is not so bad because you can survive on being a succeeder on a scale of your own design. But not if you have 4 speeding tickets. You're sunk if you've got 4 because it's too many to be too few and too few to be too many.
If you're a 4 speeding ticket person then you'll always be just on the cusp of enough. You'll run run run run run and it will not be enough because you'll never be close enough to 14 tickets to have what it takes. You'll have to be a quitter if you ever want to be a succeeder. But having your own scale just makes you a quitter who's a succeeder at being a liar.
No one wants to be a liar and no one can really be a succeeder. So we run run run run run and realize that we are running in a straight line on top of a sphere. We're walking a tightrope that is lying on the ground. We're believing in a south that exists as only one small direction of a compass rose.
There's only one thing to do. Step off the scale even though you can't see anything else. Fall off the edge of the tightrope even though there appears to be no ground. Do it because you'll never reach the end of your run. Do it because you're not enough to be something and too much to be nothing.
Suffering Honestly: Philip Yancey’s Undone
1 year ago
Great ending.